5 Garden Chores to Get Out of the Way Before Spring



Spring is an exciting time for farmers and gardening enthusiasts. However, just as it is essential to find suitable planting material, you also need to plan for the season. You will benefit more if you have a few things in order first. Consequently, having a checklist for spring is the best way to prep for this season.

Organize your Shed

It is essential to get your shed in order before the planting season. Do a complete clean-out and get the tools you need for the season ready for use. For instance, you need to sharpen blunt blades, re-oil, and re-grease tools with moving parts. This is an excellent time to consider upgrading some of the tools as you sort through them and re-organize them better. The point is to get all your tools and gardening supplies ready for the season.

Note that having the right tools makes it easy to achieve your gardening goals this season. Go through your supply list and replenish what you may be running out of or replace expired items. Confirm that you have enough fertilizer, seeds, and other essentials needed for soil enrichment and planting. The bottom line is organizing your shed and ensuring all necessary items for the season are within reach. Arrow sheds make great options if you’re looking for a shed to store all your garden supplies.

Clearweeds, Mulch, and Debris

This process means that you should get to work and clear the ground, getting rid of everything until you arrive at the soil. Collect the organic matter and add it to your compost pile. Incorporate well-composted mulch with the soil to help the crop perform better. However, rake off fresh mulch away from the soil lest it scorches the plants you intend to grow. Get rid of all weeds and burn them or throw them in the middle of the compost pile, which will kill them before they get a chance to germinate. The last thing you need is to have weeds competing with your crops because you ignored them when clearing the fields.

Prune and Prepare Your Soils

This is a perfect time to bring out your pruning tools and trim off trees and shrubs. Pruning back old wood will break dormancy and promote the better growth of your favorite trees. It will also help prepare the soils, especially once the first lifts. Till and turn the ground, working it to a certain depth and ensuring you loosen it up. It is also crucial to mix well-composted filler and work on soil amendment, which will help fix any pH and soil nutrients issues.

Set Up Planters

Finding a new variety of plants for your garden can be exciting, but make sure you have the planting area figured out first to avoid getting overwhelmed. It’s also a good idea to set up planters and planting beds in readiness for the planting season before purchasing seedlings or seeds. Only when you are sure about your space should you buy seedlings.

Start Planting Early

There is always an advantage of starting early. Some plants such as onions, potatoes, and artichokes can be started indoors as you wait for spring. Look up the plant information for the different plants you intend to plant and learn how to grow them. Starting early is the secret to avoiding mistakes or rectifying them before it’s too late.

5 Garden Chores to Get Out of the Way Before Spring

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